Monotoring Social Protection Programs: How Best to Deliver to the Poor
“Monitoring Social Protection Programs: How best to deliver to the poor” in Faridpur district isa three years four months project with a goal of enabling rural and urban poor (especially those currently excluded from social protection services) in Bangladesh to get local social protection services which in turn will be expected to reduce proportion of people in extreme poverty. KF is an experienced organization of implementing such project. KF works in the 10 unions and a Pouroshova of that district. KF introduced citizen monitoring through social monitoring tools (community score card, social audit, community report card etc.), forming social protection forum at the working areas. Social protection forum is a local forum facilitated by KF to provide a diverse range of citizens with the opportunity to monitor the local social protection service, raise and discuss related policy advocacy and local development issues with MPs, local government officials, concern authorities and also to find solutions. KF is working for monitoring and evaluation and follow up regarding the functioning of these activated committees. Through Social protection forum, a platform has been created to work in a cohesive and coordinated manner to takes account of citizen views and interests and welcomes public input in policy formulation and oversight.
Goal Promoting governance, transparency and accountability in social protection process to ensure services to the poor. Purpose Strengthen civil society oversight capacity to monitor social protection services and create awareness among beneficiaries to improve and sustain the programs thus enhanced livelihoods among ultra-poor households. Project Objectives 1. Accustomed community driven social audit in ensuring transparent and accountable safety net service delivery to the actual beneficiaries; 2. Identified the policy advocacy issues of social safety net programmes by increasing awareness among the right holders and duty bearers; 3. Created opportunity to document and share the accumulated knowledge on universal provision of SSN Services; |