Research and Publications
- KF conducts research, studies and field surveys on gender discrimination, good governance, child labour, the girl child and other sustainable development issues and distributes its findings to relevant governmental and non-governmental institutions at national and international levels.
- Pre-election, Post election and Perception surveys for the 8thand 9thParliamentary National Elections in 2001 and 2008respectively
- Pre-election, Post election and Perception surveys for local elections including the Dhaka City Corporation Election in 2002, Chittagong City Corporation Election in 2010 and Narayanganj City Corporation Election in 2011,Comilla City Corporation Election in 2011 the 7thPourashova Election in 2004, the 9thPourashova Election in 2010, the 8thUnion Parishad Election in 2003and the 9thUnion Parishad Election in 2011
- Training Need Assessment (TNA) Survey on Capacity Building of Local Government Representatives for the Project "APARAJITA - Political Empowerment of Women (2011)
- Training Need Assessment (TNA) Survey for the Project, "Women in Need: Combating Trafficking and Violence Against Women Using Mobile Hotlink"
- Monthly Surveys on Citizen Perception of Recent Political and Other Events as part of EWG (2007-2010)
- "Political Empowerment of Women in Bangladesh: Perspectives and Probability" (2001)
- "The Role of NGOs in Capacity Building of UP in Bangladesh (2001)
- "Effective Involvement of Elected Women Members (EWM) in the Local Government Structure-A Participatory Approach" (2000)
- "Migration to Urban Centers: What Next?" for Asian Development Bank (2000)
- "Important Observation Report on the Dhaka City Corporation Election, 1994" (1994)
A quarterly magazine entitled “Trinamul” (The grass-roots) is regularly published by the Foundation, and topics cover the role of women in politics, particularly at the village and UP level. Khan Foundation also has been providing a Handbook entitled “Union Parishad in the Local Government Structure” which contains various Laws related to UPs, description on roles and responsibilities of members and chairmen, women and children related issues and elaboration of other related development issues. All women members and the chairmen of the Union Parishads as well as the local administration members including the DCs and the TNOs receive free copies of the magazine and the Handbook. In addition, various pamphlets, brochures, booklets on current political and development topics are published by the Foundation, including the much relied upon UP Manual, which can be found at every Union Parishad.